This is what I have done with my film so far. I have put all my scenes for the Title Sequence together. It is almost finished, all I need to do is get my titles and music sorted out. I have produced some title in this sequence. I have added a girl to my Title Sequence which is also one of the main characters, I decided to do this to target a female audience not just male.
I have distorted the scenes a bit by editing the brightness, exposure as well as colour. I have also added a scene to the title sequence, when my female character is crossing the road. I wanted to add more scenes with her because I want to reach out to a female audience as well. All the titles have been finished in my title sequence, I tried to do something with the graphics of my film because in one or two of the scenes the female character's eyes are different from each other so but I could not change them.
The soundtrack for my film I think is the perfect fit. It matches the atmosphere of my sequence. My goal was always to make it quite intense and to give a sort of idea to what the film is like. I made an adjustment to the soundtrack; added more of the sound at the beginning. The sound at the end wasn't the best but I just decided to go with it in the end.
This is the editing of my Title Sequence. I am using the programme iMovie from Apple. It has helped me with everything and I have found it quite easy to use.
This was the feedback I got after showing the title sequence to an audience. Some of the discoveries I made were quite interesting. In the interviews I did one of them said that they thought the film was more like a TV Drama while the other thought it was a Crime/Thriller. Although they both thought the scenes with the gun were a bit excessive and suggested that I should cut them down. I still liked the gun scenes so I decided to leave most of them in the sequence.