Monday 1 October 2012

Audience Research

I am now doing Audience Research on my film. I have asked a various amount of people on their opinions of my film e.g What Genre they think the film is? What they Like and Dislike about the film? Would they be interested in seeing it?

These are some of the responses I got:

''I'd say it belonged to a crime thriller genre. Good use of camera shots to create suspence. Maybe use a better camera next time.''

''I think it's about some sort of crime. I think it has alot of suspense and because of that I would want to see it, but the quality is annoying.''

''It looks cool. I like the whole thing with the gun.''

''It's smart and It's got alot of suspense.''

''I guess it's kinda like a (action) thriller.''

''I thought the individual ideas were pretty good, but for me, I felt that i didn't feel like the street scenes and the gun ones were related. I felt like I was looking at two different movies, but all in all it was good.
''I like the music in the back ground, it feels like there is some tension, I like the different pieces of film, I liked the gun, in between the rest, the quality of filming there is much better than the filming in the street, that's a bit annoying. It seems like it's gonna be a thriller.''
Most people thought it was a Crime/Thriller, which wasn't really what i was hoping for them to say. Although the Gangster genre I was hoping for does not fall too far from Crime/Thriller, which indicates I could be almost there. Some people did not like how I distorted the scenes a bit, but most people said that's what they liked most about the sequence. The idea of the gun in between the scenes of the two characters was good for all the people who watched the sequence. The Soundtrack everyone seemed to love, they seemed to love the fact that it brought up alot of tension and that is what I wanted. Most people would like to see the film if it was to be released, The suspense bit with the music and scenes was key to attracting people.
I might try to distort the scenes again and add more transitions to the sequence. The last bit of the soundtrack I would like to change a little. The eyes on the female lead in my film is still for me a problem, I am still trying to work my way around it. The quality of the sequence can be changed, its quite simple. All I need to do is convert the format of it to possibly High Definition (HD).

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