Monday 5 November 2012


Micheal and Kevin are two brothers, one who tries to do the right thing and one that is more destructive. They do drug distribution for a man called Hector. Hector gives them a job but something goes wrong they lose all of his drugs, Hector kills Micheal but fails to kill Kevin, who escapes.

Kevin tries to find a way to get to Hector, to avenge his brothers death, while keeping a low profile, he finds it complicated to keep a low profile seeing as Hector knows everyone because Hector is a very powerful man. Kevin finds a girl which complicates his situation more, Melina, because she works in one of his night clubs. Now Melina and Kevin have to watch who they trust and come to rely on. Hectors trying to close on Kevin and he's trying to close on Hector, there's alot of chasing down and shooting.

Kevin eventually finds a way to get to Hector, but has no idea that he has taken Melina. Now Kevin has to try and kill Hector without Melina being hurt. He becomes face to face with Hector who holds Melina at gun point and Kevin becomes nervous because he has gun that is pointed at Hector. Hector notices Kevin's scared and shoots him in his chest but is unaware that Kevin has a bullet proof vest on him, Hector lets go of Melina and then is about to kill her but as he is about to Kevin gets up and shoots him in the head.


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